Fig. 11.2: Module Missing Screen
Fig. 11.3: MARGI Mirror Main Menu
Select “Enable” to turn on the output VGA signals. When you are done using this feature,
select “Disable”.
Which zoom you choose depends on the projector, LCD or CRT you are using, the size of
the room and the distance of the projector from the screen or the monitor from the
audience. MARGI recommends that you use 3X or 4X. The output resolution at 1X is
160x160, 2X is 320x320, 3X is 480x480 and 4X is 640x640.
You need to have the Presenter-
to-Go card plugged-in to use the
MARGI Mirror feature. Otherwise
you will get the screen shown in
Figure 11.2.
Notice: Only the zoom resolutions available to you with any
particular configuration will appear.