M60 Operating Instructions
Recording messages
A quick explanation
The ‘Record Messages’ op�on allows for the recording of real speech with the
use of a telephone handset connected to the M60, thus allowing unique
messages to iden�fy the loca�on of the M60 dialler, and the name given to
each alarm channel.
The Maximum message length for the sta�on iden�fica�on is by
default 10 seconds. Some countries require that Telemetry/
Autodiallers MUST report the telephone number they are
connected to in order to meet their requirements. In the U.K
this is certainly the case, and therefore some of the recording
�me for ‘Sta�on Iden�fica�on’ should allow for this.
Example “This is the Packs Infotel Offices on Telephone No: 01344 874114”
The speech quality through the handset is not Line-driven,
therefore the quality may seem a li�le harsh. This will not be the
case when calling the M60 from a mobile or telephone.
IMPORTANT: When recording messages to the M60, it is vital
that the recording is done in a quiet environment. If you intend
to install the M60 in a noisy environment, then record all the
messages before beginning the installa�on.
The above is ESPECIALLY true, if your M60 has the ‘0’ key
cancella�on feature, as a message recorded in a noisy
environment could CANCEL the M60 unnecessarily.