If you have any ques�ons please contact your local Authorized Innokin Vendor.
The CoolFire ACE will only fire variable voltage or variable wa�age depending on
the last se�ng chosen; it will not fire both. You must choose either Variable
Voltage or Variable Wa�age.
For maximum safety we strongly recommend:
Charge the device using the provided micro-USB cable. Do not use a low quality cable.
Do not use a car/truck USB adapter to charge the CoolFire ACE.
We strongly recommend that you are present when the device is being charged.
Do not leave it charging una�ended.
Important: Explaining Low-Resistance / High Wa�age Vaping
To ensure you have the best possible vaping experience it is important to have a
basic understanding of wa�age, voltage and coil resistance. There is a range of
standard coil resistances: 2.1, 1.7, 1.4, 1.1, 0.8, 0.5 ohm etc and Rebuildable
Atomizers or Drippers (RBA/RDA) may even be lower. The CoolFire ACE can fire
between resistances of 3.1 to .2 ohm and you can clearly see the resistance of the
a�ached clearomizer on the OLED screen.
We would suggest that for coil resistances of 1.7 – 2.1 ohm you can begin with a
se�ng of 8 Wa�s and then increase the Wa�age un�l you find your perfect
se�ng. For resistances of 0.5, you can try a se�ng of 25 Wa�s and increase the
wa�age un�l you find your perfect vaping se�ng.
We would suggest that for coil resistances of 1.7 – 2.1 ohm you can begin with a
se�ng of 4.0 Volts and then increase the Voltage un�l you find your perfect
se�ng. For resistances of 0.5, you can try a se�ng of 3 Volts and increase the
voltage un�l you find your perfect vaping se�ng.