The lead plane assignment key, is used to initiate the incoming
telegram calling for (think that the number already imports or
state moves downwards in the telephone directory) , also may
be used to meet listening to.
The subsidiary machine assignment key, is used to initiate
subsidiary machine calling for (thinking that the number
already imports or may be used to receive can of incoming
telegrams under telephone directory circumstances) . Display
screen meeting display allocates dozen of animated cartoon
time dialing, if being lead plane dialing , is able to
demonstrate "SIM card before the number 1 ", if being "2 be
able to demonstrate SIM card" before subsidiary machine
dialing, is in a number. State the other party's upper on queen
display screen meeting is demonstrated communicating by
phone information.
Receive a can/ repel answer the phone
Need to receive can of incoming telegrams , ask according to
communicating by phone key. Be going to communicate by phone
in conclusion , to ask according to the key being over.
Be going to refuse to receive can of incoming telegrams , to ask
according to the key being over. Be going to use incoming
telegram tinkle of bells silence , to invite the silence choosing.