Ignition Switch, Indicators, and Blade Controls
The operator controls and indicators consist of the ignition switch, headlight switch, throttle control, check
engine light indicator, and information display.
The ignition switch is located to the left of the operator.
The check engine indicator LED is located near the ignition switch.
The tachometer is located to the right of the operator.
An informational display is located below the tachometer. The display provides the following information:
Error Codes, Hour Meter, Throttle Position, Engine RPM, Battery Voltage, Coolant Temperature, Intake
Air Temperature, and Oil Pressure. The error codes are described in the Error Codes section on page
The blade control is located on the right thumb control. The switch controls the vertical position of the
The throttle and headlight are operated using the thumb controls located on the left handle.
Operating the T-2100PRO
Use the following instructions as a general guide to operate the T-2100PRO. The operator will determine
actual machine operation.
1.) Perform an inspection of the machine. Refer to Safety Equipment Inspection and Maintenance
on page 21.
2.) Open the propane fuel valve, turning the valve counterclockwise. Check all the fuel lines for
leaks that you can see, hear, or smell.
If you detect a fuel leak, immediately close the fuel valve and contact service personnel.
3.) Tighten the line and test again.
4.) Sit on the machine and buckle the seat belt.
5.) Insert the key in the ignition switch and turn the key clockwise to start the engine.
6.) Slowly increase the throttle.
7.) Slowly push the right and left levers forward to move the machine very slowly.
8.) Continue to push the levers forward to increase speed.
9.) Slowly release the right and left levers to bring the machine to stop.
10.) If the machine drifts left, release the right lever a little and machine will straighten out. If the
machine drifts to the right, release the left lever a little.
11.) Push the right lever and pull the left lever to turn the machine to the left.
12.) Push the left lever and pull the right lever to turn the machine to the right.
Do not pull back or release either lever abruptly. This will cause the machine will turn
very sharply.
Do not put the blade into the jaw until familiar with the machine.