8. Tighten the tommy screw again (B).
9. Fold the crank handle (A) back into the handle housing.
Taking down the speaker pole
1. Loosen the tommy screw of the crank mechanism (B).
2. Fold out the inner part of the crank (A) from the handle housing.
3. Turn the crank until the tube is all the way down.
4. Loosen the tommy screw from the speaker and remove the speaker from the
5. Fold the crank handle (A) back into the handle housing.
6. Securely tighten the tommy screw (B) again.
7. Finally, check the speaker pole for defects and store it in a safe place.
Maintenance of the speaker pole
The following points should be checked periodically:
- The crank mechanism must operate smoothly. If necessary, maintain the
mechanism by applying grease.
- Does tommy screw loosen and tighten easily?
- Check the pole for defects and conformity with the safety guidelines in this
manual. If the pole shows visible signs of damage or does not function properly,
contact your dealer for an RMA (Return Merchandise Authorisation).
- The load plate label must remain in its original place and must be legible.
The information in this user manual is subject to change at any time without notice.
Date of creation and author’s initials:
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