Pressure Requirements from your house supply.
We recommend a bar pressure between 2 and 3 bar. If you have a
combi boiler system no problem should be experienced. If you
have a gravity feed older type of installaon (hot water tank type
usually less than 1 bar) you will almost certainly need a pump. We
cannot advise on which type of pump is used, locaon or design
because all house plumbing layouts vary. This is a job for your in-
staller /plumber. The end delivery however must fall within the
scope above.
Debit Requirements.
You will need the debit capabilies of at least 10 litres per minute.
Again an average combi boiler will supply this but please check if
you have a gravity feed system.
Important Note
Do not exceed 3 bar pressure under any circum-
stances. Warranty void if so as damage will occur. If combi. type
supply, use a pressure reducing valve if required.
Remembering this product is free standing ais designed to be
pulled away from the wall, the water supply pipes and waste pipe
require flexible pipes. If you purchased the fiEed kit with this
shower you will have the required fings. The water supply pipes
need to be at least 1 metre long and flexi braided type not speed
fit type heang piping.
For the latest fing instrucons please visit
Do not twist flexi braided hoses. This will shorten the lifespan and
greatly affect flow.
Further to this as you would with a washing machine or dishwash-
er, it is highly recommended accessible water valve taps are in-
stalled to turn off the shower when not in use. This will avoid any
possible flooding due to a burst pipe or connecon failure in the
Connect house waste to flexi pipe (if oponal fing kit purchased
you will have this as menoned in first stage)
Your water connecons are now complete.
For the latest fing instrucons please visit
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Cold Connecon
Hot Connecon