Speed 1 - 3.0 km/h
people with weak constitution
Speed 3.0 - 4.5 km/h
people who do not exercise often
Speed 4.5 - 6.0 km/h
normal walking speed
Speed 6.0 - 7.5 km/h
fast walking
Speed 7.5 - 9.0 km /h
Speed 9.0 - 12.0 km/h
intermediate speed runner
Speed 12.0 - 14.5 km/h
experienced runner
Speed over 14.5 km/h e
excellent runner
Users who want to exercise while walking should choose 6 km/h speed or lower.
Users who want to exercise while running should choose 8 km/h speed or higher.
Please make sure the treadmill's is pulled out of the power supply before cleaning or
1. CLEANING (Fully cleaning will lengthen the usage of the treadmill.)
Keep the treadmill clean by dusting it regularly. Be sure to clean the exposed parts on both sides of
the running belt, which can reduce the piling of dust under the it. Make sure your shoes are clean and
avoid putting things onto the running belt. It could damage both the running belt and the running deck.
The top of the belt needs to be cleaned with a wet, soapy cloth. Be careful to keep any liquid away
from the electrical components and the underside of the running belt.
Remember to unplug the treadmill from the electrical outlet before removing the motor
cover. Remove the motor cover and vacuum under the motor cover at least once a year.
2. LUBRICATION (Running belt and the special lubricating oil of the motorized treadmill.)
This treadmill's running belt and deck are already pre-lubricated. The belt/deck friction may play a
major role in the function and life of your treadmill, thus requiring regular lubrication. We recommend a
inspecting the deck regularly. If the deck is worn, please contact our client service centre.
Recommended lubrication of the running deck and the running belt:
1. Light user (less than 3 hours/ week)
2. Medium user (3 - 5 hours/ week)
every six months
3. Heavy user (more than 5 hours/ week)
every three months
We suggest buying the lubrication oil from local distributors or contacting our company directly.
In order to maintain and prolong the working life of your treadmill, we suggest that you power
off for 10 minutes after every 2 hours of running.
A loose running belt will slip when you are running; a too tight running belt will affect the
performance of the motor and may also increase the wear of the rollers and the running belt.
The ideal position is if you can lift the belt from the running deck to about 50
– 75 mm.
It is necessary to adjust the belt to the best condition for the better use of the treadmill. Put the
treadmill running belt at the centre. Put the motorized treadmill on the level ground and let the treadmill
run at the speed of 6 - 8 miles per hour. Observe the deviation of the running belt. If the running belt
deviates to the right, pull off the safety key and unplug the power. Turn the right adjusting bolt