© Intatec Ltd 2012
The commissioning procedure should be carried out as follows;
• Open the lower isolation valve to the IntaKlean – leave the upper most isolation
valve closed.
• Making sure that all open ends of the system are closed, begin to refill the system.
• Bleed radiators as required.
• Open the air vent on the IntaKlean and bleed the air until water starts to flow.
Close the air vent.
• Open the upper isolation valve and fill the remaining volume of the system.
• Open the air bleed again to ensure all air has been removed from the filter.
N.B. – Air may continue to be present in system pipework for a small period as the
central heating is run after installation of the IntaKlean. We recommend that you check
the air bleed again to ensure that all air has been purged from the system.
Prior to cleaning the IntaKlean, ensure that the working environment is safe.
Inta recommend that the boiler is switched off and that the system is allowed to cool to
ambient temperature before commencing any maintenance works.
Isolate the IntaKlean by closing the two ball valves and opening the air vent.
Carefully unscrew the cover.
Water will gradually begin to flow from the cover as it is unscrewed further.
Ensure that this water is collected in a suitably sized container and that the surrounding
area is protected to prevent water damage.
Once the flow of water has stopped, the collection vessel is empty.
Completely remove the cover and carefully withdraw the magnet and plastic sheath.
Remove the metal filter screen.
Remove the white plastic sheath from the magnet over a sink or container.
Clean the sheath with clean water and rinse the cap thoroughly under the tap.
Rinse the metal filter screen in clean water and check for signs of damage; replace if