Use of System with Digital Subtraction Angiography
1. The surgeon should position the skull clamp and base unit to minimize the mass of radiolucent material the C-arm’s
beam must penetrate. Minimal artifact may be seen.
NOTE: Digital Subtraction must be used. Follow directions of the angiographic equipment
Service Notes
Routine checks should be made well before each case to help avoid any unforeseen problems. The following checks
are recommended: Lock and unlock the locking knob. If difficulties are encountered, the unit should be returned for
Service Department, phone: 877-444-1114 (USA only)
4900 Charlemar Drive, Building A
Cincinnati, Ohio 45227
Cleaning and Decontamination
The MR/X-ray skull clamp and the Excite 3.0T Table Adaptor should be thoroughly cleaned after each use following
these simple steps.
1. Carefully remove and properly dispose of the single-use MAYFIELD Skull Pins.
2. Remove the skull clamp from the table adaptor.
3. Remove the table adaptor from the table.
4. Carefully disassemble all of the components of both the skull clamp and the table adaptor.
5. With a soft brush and neutral pH detergent, scrub each component thoroughly to remove any traces of blood or
debris from interfering with connections or movement.
6. Rinse each component to remove all traces of detergent.
7. With a soft cloth, gently dry each component. While drying the components, examine them for any residual residue
that remains. If any is observed, wash and scrub the component again until it is clean of all residue.
8. Set the components out on a counter to air-dry completely before they are re-assembled.
9. Once the components are clean and dry, re-assemble the components into the same assemblies as they were used
for the procedure. Note: They must be re-assembled for them to be returned to their storage cases.
Although it is usually not necessary or recommended, the entire skull clamp and table adaptor can be sterilized using
the ethylene oxide (ETO) method following the manufacturer’s instructions.
The plastic components may be damaged by heat.
Care and Storage
If the MAYFIELD MR/X-ray Skull Clamp is dropped or mishandled it should be inspected for
damage and returned to Integra for evaluation.