VER.2106.21-One (ENG)
If all these requirements are not complied parallel UPS will not be able to be started-up.
1.- Maximum quantity of UPS for working in parallel is 3 units
2.- All UPS must be same model and with compatible firmware. If units are manufactured in different production batches, check with your
distributor to confirm all units are compatible for parallel connection (similar firmware).
3.- All configurable parameters in LCD menus must be similar in all units.
4.- All MBS must be in UPS position and safety plate must be covered.
5.- In case of using external batteries, each UPS must have its own external battery pack. External batteries cannot be shared by 2 UPS.
6.- All UPS must be connected according to this manual.
7.- Sum of individual UPS capacities in Watts must be enough to support the total load to be connected to the system. It is highly
recommended that UPS system has spare capacity at least of 25% to cover any future load expansion.
If user needs system continues working even if one of the UPS goes to failure, the remaining UPS of the system must be able to assume
the load. It means that in a 3 UPS system, the capacity of 2 UPS must be enough to support the load. In case of 2 UPS system, one of
the UPS must be able to support 100% of the load. In that way, system will be able to work even if one of the units got failure. This is
called as redundancy N+1.
Check all previous requirements are complied. If not, do nott try to start-ups parallel UPS.
1.- Check parallel UPS are powered OFF and turned OFF.
2.- Check all input breakers are in OFF position.
3.- Power all AC input lines.
4.- Check external batteries are connected to UPS. Switch DC breakers to ON position for all XBAT.
5.- Switch input breaker to ON position in UPS #1. Wait until UPS complete its auto-test process and BYPASS LED turns ON.
6.- Repeat same procedure for UPS #2.
7.- In case of a 3 UPS system, repeat same procedure for UPS #3.
IMPORTANT: It is highly recommended to turn UPS ON one by one, not at same time.
8.- When rear panel AC breaker is set to "ON", UPS recognize all other UPS previously powered ON in the parallel system and will get its
own parallel identification as PAR 001 (master UPS), PAR 002 and PAR 003.
Example of LCD for UPS #1 (PAR 001):
9.- In case BYPASS mode is allowed in UPS, all UPS will go to BYPASS mode. If bypass mode is not allowed, all units will go to a waiting
mode with outputs powered off.
10.- Double check configuration menus of each UPS to confirm all parameters are similar in all units of the system.
11.- After revision, ON button can be pressed to turn every UPS ON.
One by one. Press ON button until message “ON” is displayed on
12.- LCD. After few seconds, all UPS in coordinated manner will enter at same time in ONLINE mode.
13.- Before closing external AC output breakers to connect AC outputs in parallel, it is mandatory to measure output voltage of each UPS
to confirm all of them are similar. Measure with a digital voltmeter. Maximum acceptable difference is about 1.5Vac. If difference is above
1.5Vac technician must adjust output by modifying function 16 of configuration menu.