InBusiness™ Internet Station
any system or network changes that need to be made, and if a compatible
browser was detected. To use the Internet Station, you must have a compatible
browser installed. Click the More Info buttons for more information about
each option. Click Next.
If you choose to install Internet Explorer, the Internet Station shows the Li-
cense Agreement. This is a free, compatible browser. Accept the agreement.
Click Next to continue.
From the Installation Option screen, choose Minimal, Standard, or Full instal-
lation. A list of applications installed with each option is listed in the informa-
tion box. Click Next to continue.
The Destination Folder screen shows the location where the files will be lo-
cated. Click Next to continue, or enter your preferred location then click Next.
The bar shows the installation progress.
If you have changed any of your system’s configurations, the Internet Station
allows you to reboot. Yes is checked by default. Click OK. The Internet Station
software does not function until your system reboots.
After rebooting, your browser automatically goes to the Setup Wizard. Internet
connection is not complete. After you complete the Setup Wizard your Internet
Station is ready to use.