Electrostatic Discharge Sensitivity (ESDS) Precautions
The assemblies used in the switch chassis are ESD sensitive. Observe ESD handling
procedures when handling any assembly used in the switch chassis.
License Agreements
This software is provided under one or more license agreements. Please refer to the
license agreement(s) provided with the software for specific detail. Do not install or
use the software until you have carefully read and agree to the terms and conditions
of the license agreement(s). By loading or using the software, you agree to the terms
of the license agreement(s). If you do not wish to so agree, do not install or use the
Technical Support
Technical support for Intel
Omni-Path products is available 24 hours a day, 365 days
a year. Please contact Intel Customer Support or visit
for additional detail.
Omni-Path Fabric—Preface
Omni-Path Host Fabric Interface
Installation Guide
April 2020
Doc. No.: H76466, Rev.: 8.0