The information shown may vary from the output on your screen.
In case you experience technical difficulties with the Router and need to
contact technical support, you should write down the BOOT CODE
Version and RUNTIME CODE version shown on the screen. It is very
likely that you would be asked to provide these numbers by the technical
support representative.
3-4-2 Internet Connection Status
Click the 'Internet Connection' menu on the left of the Web management
interface and the screen below appears:
The information shown may vary from the output on your screen.
This screen shows which IP address information the router has obtained.
If you experience problems with your Internet connection, you should
open this page and check the contents. Values for IP Address, Default
Gateway and Primary DNS should always be filled. If they are missing,
this indicates that there is a connection problem preventing the router
from accessing the Internet.
3-4-3 Device Status
Click the 'Device Status' link on the left of the Web management interface
to view information about the router status:
You can see information about the wireless configuration as well as the
LAN configuration, including information about the encryption and IP
address settings of the router.