D-0123672-H – 2022/05
Affinity Compact - Instructions for Use - US
4.5 Replacement of consumables
4.5.1 Foam tips
Foam tips used for the audiometric insert phone transducers are easily replaced. They are connected to the
insert phone tube by the tube nipple as shown on the below image. They are replaced by pressing them on
the tube nibble or pulling them off.
These are single use parts.
For ordering of new parts, please referee to the local Interacoustics distributor.
4.5.2 Probe tubes
The REM probe tubes are used together with the IMH60/IMH65 headset. They are connected to the thin tube
on the top of the IMH60/65 headset as shown on the image below. They are replaced by pressing them on
the tube or pulling them off.
The REM probe tubes are single use.
For ordering of new parts, please referee to the local Interacoustics distributor.
4.5.3 SPL60 probe tubes
The SPL60 probe tubes are used together with SPL60 probe. They are connected to the thin tube on the end
of the SPL60 probe as shown on the image below. They are replaced by pressing them on the tube or
pulling them off.
The SPL60 probe tubes are single use.
For ordering of new parts, please referee to the local Interacoustics distributor.