DRAM Refresh Rate
The settings are 15.6 us, 31.2 us, 62.4 us, 124.8us, and 249.6 us. The optimal default setting is
15.6 us.
Memory Hole
This option specifies the location of an area of memory that cannot be addressed on the ISA bus.
The settings are Disabled, 15 MB-16 MB, and 512 KB-640KB. The optimal default setting is
SDRAM RAS# to CAS# delay
The setting are 3 SCLKs, 2SCLKs, and Auto. The optimal default setting is 3SCLKs.
SDRAM RAS# Precharge
The setting are 3 SCLKs, 2SCLKs, and Auto. The optimal default setting is 3SCLKs
Power Down SDRAM
The optimal default setting is Enabled.
ACPI Control Register
The optimal default setting is Disabled.
Gated Clock
The optimal default setting is Disabled.
Graphics Aperture Size
The settings are 4MB, 8MB, 16MB, 32MB, 64MB, 128MB, and 256 MB. The optimal default
setting is 64 MB.
Search for MDA Resources
The optimal default setting is Yes.
AGP Mlti-Trans Timer (AGP Clks)
The settings are Disabled, 32, 64, 96, 128, 160, 192, and 224. The optimal default setting is 32.