Communications and Device Support
6200/6300 Hand-Held Computer Programmer’s Reference Guide 5-7
C data type
Specific to the PL/N programming language from Intermec Technologies
Corporation. For further information, see the PL/N Reference Manuals. This type
is equivalent to an unsigned integer in field size, but is packed in the opposite byte
char[ ]
Specifies a character buffer that does
have a NULL terminator.
Marks the beginning of a repeated field descripter sequence. The field length is
the number of repetitions of the sequence. For example, the sequence:
B002X004B002X004 can be written as: (002B002X004)000
(002" marks the beginning of a pattern repeating twice. )000" marks its end.
Marks the end of a repeated sequence begun with a (nnn" descripter. Field
length is the number of repetitions of the sequence. For example, the sequence:
B002X004B002X004 can be written as: (002B002X004)000
(002" marks the beginning of a pattern repeating twice. )000" marks its end.
The actual name of the file created on the HHC has .DAT" or P.PL6" appended
to the ffffff file name. File types D" and P" have .DAT" appended to the name.
Types E" and B" have P.PL6" appended to the name.
In the NORAND Host Communication packages, a record length of one indicates
that the file contains variable length records, where the first character of each
record identifies the type of record. These single character record types are used
by the formatting utilities of the communications packages to format the file into
logical records.
PL/N File Descripter for Binary Files
In order to support full DOS file names and to better support nonĆPL/N binary
files, an expanded header structure is defined:
<DDOSFIL00001Xmmm>F[––dosfilename––] S[filesize]data . . .
< = beginning of file header
D = file type (fixed)
DOSFIL = file name (fixed)
00001 = fixed
X = data type (fixed)
mmm = decimal number of bytes of expanded header
information following ‘>’ end
of file header character
> = end of file header
F = F indicates the file name parameter
[––dosfilename––] = complete DOS file name (may be any length)
<space> = a space must separate the parameters
S = S indicates the file size parameter
[filesize] = the exact number of bytes in binary file
(this parameter may be up to 8 digits long)
data . . .
= binary file starts immediately after filesize parameter.
. . .
= additional hand-held computer information
For example, to send a file to be named \DATA\DATAFILE.DAT, which has a
size of 102,000 bytes, the following header would precede the file:
It is the responsibility of the HHC program to ensure that the file name specified
is unique on the host. This could be accomplished by incorporating the HHC ID
as part of the file name or path name:
<DDOSFIL00001X027>F\DATA\DATA0001.DAT S102000
<DDOSFIL00001X031>F\HH000001\DATAFILE.DAT S102000
5. Communications
and Device Support