Intermec EasyCoder 501 XP & 601 XP – Service Manual
Chapter 15 CPU Board
15.6 Startup
The prerequisite for Intermec Fingerprint to start is that a fl ash
memory SIMM with a boot sector is fi tted in P22 (marked “ROM2
Boot-Bank”). A DRAM SIMM must also be installed in P23
(marked “RAM0”).
At power up, the printer starts executing code in the boot sector and
one of the following sequences will be performed:
1. A fl ash card with a fi rmware is recognized.
- The fi rmware will be copied from the memory card to the inter-
nal DRAM.
- The processor will start to execute code from DRAM.
- The fi rmware on the memory card will be copied to the internal
fl ash memory.
2. A valid fi rmware is recognized in the internal fl ash memory.
- The fi rmware will be copied to DRAM and the processor will
start execute code from DRAM.
If the printer is fi tted with an EasyLAN 100i interface board, there
are also facilities for updating the fi rmware via Ethernet. See spe-
cial documentation that comes with the EasyLAN 100i board.
After the initial boot sequence is performed, the number of steps
will be taken before Fingerprint starts. The startup procedure can
be followed on the printer’s display.
You can also follow the startup from the host provided a strap is
temporarily fi tted on pins 2-3 on P12 on the CPU board. Connec-
tion between printer and host should use the default serial com-
munication setup (9600 baud, 8 bits, parity none, 1 stop bit) on the
standard serial port "uart1:". For each of the steps, either “OK” or
“Fail” is returned on "uart1:". In addition, some other useful infor-
mation is also returned.
Refer to Appendix 3 for information on how to upgrade the fi rm-