Intermec EasyCoder 501 XP & 601 XP – Service Manual
Chapter 17 Troubleshooting
17.15 Cutter Troubles
The paper cutter unit does not work properly.
Possible Causes and Suggested Remedies:
• Cutter not properly connected.
- Is the cutter properly connected to the DIN-connector inside
the printer’s front hatch and is the cable visibly undamaged?
- When the CUT instruction is executed for the fi rst time after
power up, the fi rmware checks the cutter device. If the instruc-
tion fails, for example because no cutter is fi tted, the error
message 37 “Cutter device not found” is returned. This con-
dition will remain, even if a cutter is connected, until next
power up.
• Intermec Fingerprint instruction missing.
- Check that a CUT command is transmitted in the current pro-
gram or that the cutter is enabled using a CUT ON state-
• Printhead lifted.
- Is the printhead lifted? If so, lower the printhead.
• Bad connection between cutter interface and CPU board.
- Is the cable from the printer’s front to P58 on the CPU board
correctly connected and undamaged?
• Cutter mechanism jammed.
- Verify that no paper shavings, adhesive residue, or foreign
objects obstruct the cutting operation. Clean as described in
Chapter 12.3. If the cutter is prevented from completing a cut-
ting operation, the motor may be damaged by overload.
• Wrong voltage.
- Measuring the voltage on connector P58, pin 1 (P24) to pin
3 (GND) or pin 2 (cutter output) to pin 3 (GND) when a CUT
instruction is executed should give a voltage of 24V
during 2 seconds.
- Pin 5 on connector P58 is connected to a microswitch sens-
ing the cutter’s home position. At rotation, the switch closes
pin 5 to pin 3 (GND) and at the very end of the cutting, the
microswitch opens up which indicates that the cutter is back.
At home position, the microswitch is normally open.
- If no voltages, check if the printhead is lowered completely.
- Check if the headlift sensor provides the correct signal when
the printhead is lowered (see Chapter 8.8.)
- Check if the printer prints anything at all. If so, the P24 volt-
age is OK and T57-59 or the surrounding resistors may be
• Slack return spring.
- The return spring in the cutter mechanism could eventually
get slack and need to be replaced.
• No cause of malfunction could be found.
- The cutter motor is probably defective. Replace either the
entire cutter or just its mechanism.