Only Section 1.0 Hardware Initialization will be completed prior to continuing with this section.
Begin to Measure
Select/Connect Detectors
Determine the type and amount of detectors to be used (up to 8 detectors
can be connected to the A803 Multiplexer at a time). Connect the
applicable detectors to the channel connectors on the back of the A803.
Detector arrangement will be determined by the user.
Set/Store Detector Sensitivity Factors
Using ILT1700, enter sensitivity factors from each detectors' calibration
certificate using the following procedure:
a. Press FACTOR SHIFT button on the front of ILT1700 until the
FACTOR SHIFT LED is illuminated.
b. Press FACTOR SELECT button until register “1” appears in window
above the button.
c. Enter sensitivity factor for the detector connected to Channel 1
by using MSD, LSD buttons to change reading display & EXP
button to change exponent.
Use the FACTOR SELECT button to increment to the desired register
(1-8) and use the above procedure to store sensitivity factors for
detectors in their respective channels.
NOTE: The ILT1 70 0 has the capab ilit y to sto re sen sitivit y facto rs
in 10 registers (0 -9), but reco mme nd ed use is to correlate the
regi ster with the channel and the detecto r con nected to that channel.
Registers “0” and “9 ” can be used for extra sensitivit y factor s to be
used at the d iscretion o f the user
After storin g all applicab le se nsi tivit y facto rs, click the FACTOR SHIFT/DATA DISP LAY butto n until t he DATA
DISP LAY LED is ilu minated.
Select Active Channel
Use the Active Channel buttons on the front of the A803 to scroll through
channels 1-8 and select which channel to measure from. Verify a detector is
connected to the active channel once selected.
A803 Multiplexer Instruction Manual Rev -
Page 5
Detector connectors (Ch1-8)
Factor Select
Factor Shift/Data Display
Active Channel selector