1-800-221-2099 • HearingHelp.com
Helpful Accessories
Making an Impression
Soft & Hard Earmolds
Wearing an Earmold
Improve your Ranger with a custom earmold
Reduce feedback (whistling)
Reduce stuffed up feeling
Reduce talking-in-barrel sound
Improved fit and comfort
Making your earmold is easy.
Step one:
We’ll send you a kit with materials and complete
instructions so you or a friend can make your ear impression.
(If you have had ear surgery or ear damage or if you have an unusual ear canal, have
your doctor assist you.)
Step two:
It’s easy – over 100,000 people have made their own
impression at home. Impression material sets up in minutes and
easily can be removed from your ear. Of course, if you have any
questions we’re always happy to help.
Step 3:
Mail your ear impression to us and we use it to make your
custom earmold. You can expect to receive a finished earmold in
about two weeks.
There’s a refundable $19 charge for the impression kit that will be credited in full when you
return your impressions.
Hard Lucite
1 earmold
2 earmolds #88435
Eartips –
Eartips come in five
different sizes. You can improve the
fit by using a different size eartip.
Eartips should be cleaned and/or
replaced when necessary.
3 of any size for only $5.95
small (S)
medium-small (MS)
medium (M)
medium-large (ML)
large (L)
small med-small medium med-large large
Replacement Elbow Joint Tubing
Elbow joint and tubing attaches to eartip and hearing aid.
PRE-CUT Elbow Joint Tubing, #88573 $2.00 each
Elbow Joint Tubing
, #88571 $2.00 each
All prices subject
to change.
3 for only $5.95
Pre-cut elbow
joint tubing
Full-length elbow joint tubing