1 3
1. Fold the wheelchair.
2. Remove the height mounting screws and washers that secure the existing seat upholstery
to the cross braces.
3. Remove the existing seat upholstery from the cross braces.
4. Install new seat upholstery by reversing STEPS 1-3.
Removing/Installing Standard Back Upholstery
NOTE: For this procedure, refer to FIGURE 4.3.
Re mo vi n g Ba c k Up h o l st e r y
NOTE: To Install the Back Upholstery, reverse this procedure.
1. Remove the back canes. Refer to Removing Back Canes paragraph.
2. Remove the mounting screw that secures the back upholstery to the back canes.
Refer to Detail “A”.
3. Remove the back upholstery from the back canes. Refer to Detail “B”.
FIGURE 4.3 Removing/Installing Standard Back Upholstery
Back Cane
D E T AI L “ B ”
F IGURE 4.2 Removing/Installing Seat Upholstery