Lap Belt Adjustment
The lap belt is commonly used to assist wheelchair users to maintain an optimal sitting posture. Correct use
of the lap belt is intended to help the user, especially those with limited sitting balance, to remain safe,
comfortable and well positioned in their wheelchair. Your wheelchair will be factory fitted with one of the
following types of lap belt. Please note however, that this may have been replaced with an alternative by your
therapist to meet your requirements. If an alternative lap belt or harness etc. has been fitted please ensure
you are provided with the manufacturers written instructions for fitting and safe usage.
‘Plastic buckle belt’ – Adjustment is possible on both
sides will allow the buckle to remain in a central
‘Metal buckle belt’ – with single adjuster - Adjustment
is only possible on one side. This may result in the
buckle being off-centre.
‘Metal buckle belt’ – with double adjuster -
Adjustment is possible on both sides will allow the
buckle to remain in a central position.