Invacare® MyOn® HC
Risk of injury
In a collision you could sustain injury to parts of
your body that extend beyond the wheelchair
(e.g. feet or hands).
– Avoid an unbraked collision.
– Never drive into an object head-on.
– Drive carefully through narrow passages.
Risk due to wheelchair being out of control
At high speed you could lose control of your
wheelchair and overturn.
– Never exceed a speed of 4 mph.
– Avoid collisions in general.
Risk of burning
The wheelchair components can heat up when
exposed to external sources of heat.
– Do not expose the wheelchair to strong sunlight
before use.
– Before usage, check all components that
come into contact with your skin for their
Risk of Death, Serious Injury or Damage
Lighted cigarettes dropped onto an upholstered
seating system can cause a fire resulting in death,
serious injury or damage. Wheelchair occupants
are at particular risk of death or serious injury
from these fires and resulting fumes because
they may not have the ability to move away from
the wheelchair.
– DO NOT smoke while using the wheelchair.
Risk of getting fingers caught
There is always a risk of getting, e.g. fingers
or arms, caught in the moving parts of the
– Make sure when activating the folding or
insertion mechanisms of moving parts, such as
the removable axle of the rear wheel, folding
backrest or antitipper, that nothing becomes