Wheeler is largely made of aluminium. Backrest tubing and
other components subjected to strain are made of high
quality steel. Foot plates are made of plastic reinforced with
glass fibre. Side supports, the seat plate and back plate are
made of vacuum-formed ABS plastic. All metal and plastic
parts can be recycled. Contact your local recycling agent.
The transport packing is also possible to recycle.
Upholstery fabrics are available in dartex and plush. These
fabrics are washable.
Wheeler is available in four seat widths. Each seat width
can be made 3 cm wider or narrower. The drive wheels
are quick release (QR) and are available in the sizes: 20”,
22” and 24”. You can also choose 16” transport wheels. The
tyres are pneumatic or solid. The castors are fixed and are
available in the sizes: 100 mm - 150 mm.
Product description
Wheeler is a manual wheelchair for children and teenagers.
It is designed for users who actively use the wheelchair for
a long period (several hours at a time) and for users who
need the chair for shorter times and for transport. Wheeler
is easy to propel and simple to handle, for users who propel
the wheelchair and for assistants/carers. Wheeler has many
adjustment options and accessories that give the user an
ergonomically correct and variable seating position, which
is necessary to enable the user to move the chair. As the
child grows, the size of the seat can be adjusted. We also
recommend that the drive wheels be replaced with larger
ones when this becomes necessary. If the user propels
Wheeler himself it is necessary to have the hands on the
handrims and not on the tyre.
Wheeler can be used indoors and outdoors. If Wheeler is
used extensively outdoors, we recommend large castors
and that Wheeler is propelled on level surfaces (asphalt).
When propelling the chair outdoors, the anti-tip devices
must be folded down and activated. There is a risk of tipping
when using the chair on sloping surfaces.
Areas of use