inVENTer Connect controller platform | Operating instructions
2.4 "inVENTer Mobile" app
The "inVENTer Mobile" app (in the following text "app") is the free app from inVENTer for Android
and iOS operating systems for controlling and programming the system. For a more in-depth
setup and full functionality access, a mobile device with the "inVENTer Mobile" app installed is
The app can be found on:
The app is used to start up the ventilation system and access the full system control functions.
The app has the following menu structure after a connection is made with the controller:
• Ventilation zone summary
To view the status of each zone and make quick settings (such as
changing the ventilation profile, ventilation mode, ventilation level,
activating the boost function, etc.).
• Device overview
The list of devices paired in the system is displayed, including their
names, ventilation zone and status information.
• Advanced settings
To make system settings such as adjusting the stored ventilation
profiles, defining maintenance intervals and system updates.
Figure 5: App menu structure
For a detailed description of the control of the ventilation system via the app, see
4: Operation
and set-up with the app.
Advanced settings
Device overview
Ventilation zone
Easy Connect e16