inVENTer Connect controller platform | Operating instructions
After installation and connection to the power supply, the controller starts with the factory settings
and the display screen shows the room temperature and humidity, which are transmitted by the
sensor integrated into the controller.
The desired devices can then be paired with the controller and thus integrated into the ventilation
system (
3.3: Pairing), as well as be set up.
The display screen first shows the number of paired devices. When pairing is complete,
the display screen shows the corresponding symbol for the device in question.
The controller assigns all newly paired devices to ventilation zone 1 by default. This can be
changed later and different ventilation profiles can be assigned to the ventilation zones
4: Operation and setup via app).
If the user disconnects a device and thus removes it from the ventilation system, the
device-specific data is deleted from the internal database and an updated list is sent to all devices
in the ventilation zone.
If a device is paired with the controller but is in error mode, the controller updates the device
status to mark that device as offline or not present. The user is notified via the display screen or
app and can correct the error.