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Performance seems slow
Performance seems slow
Performance seems slow
Performance seems slow
In some cases the Write Caching feature may slow the performance of the StorCenter
device. To disable, set Disk Write Caching to Always disabled
Always disabled
Always disabled
Always disabled (Disks
Disks→Write Caching
Write Caching
Write Caching
Write Caching).
Some models of the StorCenter device will verify its drives once a month. Although
the status light does not show disk activity during this process, the drive
performance will be low. You cannot schedule, quit, or delay the verification. To find
out if your StorCenter drive is performing a disk verification, see the Dashboard in
the StorCenter Storage Manager software. The drive status will display as Verifying...
followed by the percentage complete.
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How do I find the drive's IP address?
How do I find the drive's IP address?
How do I find the drive's IP address?
How do I find the drive's IP address?
Run the StorCenter Manager software. Once you have logged into the StorCenter device,
you can find your IP address under Settings
Settings→Network Services
Network Services
Network Services
Network Services→Network Settings
Network Settings
Network Settings
Network Settings.
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How do I find the drive if StorCenter Manager does not work?
How do I find the drive if StorCenter Manager does not work?
How do I find the drive if StorCenter Manager does not work?
How do I find the drive if StorCenter Manager does not work?
Make sure the drive is powered on. See
Connecting the StorCenter device
Check all connections (power and network).
Make sure you are using a functional Ethernet cable. We suggest using the Ethernet
cable that shipped with your drive. Verify that the link LED on the back of the drive is
Make sure the Ethernet cable is connected to a 10/100/1000Base-T switch, hub, or
router or directly to your computer.
For best results, connect the StorCenter ix2 to the same router.
Make sure your network only has one device acting as a DHCP server. If your
network has multiple routers, you may have multiple devices running DHCP. See the
documentation that came with your DHCP device to reconfigure your network.
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