background image


1. Remove contents from the box.
2. Attach the agitator to the core engine by lining up the hole on in the 
    center of the agitator with the plastic rod on the top of the core engine.
    Push to lock. 
3.  Line up the holes from the core engine to the bottom assembly, then 

twist to lock. 

4.  Line up the holes from the core engine to the top assembly, then twist 

to lock.

5. Plug A/C Adapter in at rear of core engine and plug into wall.


NOTE:  iPong® should only be used with 40mm table tennis balls. 

1.  Before turning on the iPong®, make sure that there are no table tennis 

balls inside the core engine.  Rotate agitator so that the notch in 
the agitator is not lined up with ball entry hole.  This will reduce the 
possibility of jamming.

2. Place table tennis balls into top assembly. 
3. Place iPong® at the opposite end of the table. 
4.  Adjust each setting on the remote to your liking.  Review the 

instructions below on how to customize the spin of the ball.


The iPong Pro uses an upper wheel, and a lower wheel, to control ball 
spin, speed, and trajectory. When the upper wheel spins slightly faster, 
topspin is created. And when the lower wheel spins slightly faster, 
backspin is created.

A. Positioning the iPong Pro

1. To start, we recommend placing the iPong on the table, close to the 
back end, and upon the centerline. Then, angling the projection hole to 
the desired left or right position on the table. 

B. Starting Setup

1.  Set BOTH the TopSpin knob and the BackSpin knob 

to 12 o’clock positions.

2.  Begin shooting balls by turning the Frequency/On 

knob clockwise.  
Hint: Start in the middle of the range (the extreme 
clockwise position will deliver about 90 balls per 

3.   If the balls land on the table at the desired length, 

you may then:   
a) turn the TopSpin clockwise to create a more 
topspin (and speed), OR b) turn the BackSpin 
clockwise to create a more backspin (and speed).

C. Adjustments for ball errors

1. Whenever balls don’t go over the net, increase the TopSpin, and test 

3. After getting a sense of the above, you may similarly experiment with 
the other control (using the BackSpin to keep balls above the net, but on 
the table.)

D. Oscillation (side-to-side) Setup

Once the desired ball has been set, you may wish to add side-to-side 
oscillation. The more the Oscillation knob is turned to it’s clockwise 
position, the faster the side-to-side oscillation action of the iPong Pro.
1.  Start with the oscillation knob at it’s 12 o’clock position (which delivers a 

moderate side-to-side oscillation speed).

2. Begin shooting balls by turning the Frequency/On knob clockwise.  

Note:  Also try placing the iPong in other locations, left or right of the 

iPong Pro control adjustments for ball errors




Remote Control


Please be sure to visit our website at www. and register your iPong robot when you purchase it to activate your warranty. If you experience a 
usage issue with your unit, you can go through our list of common issues and their solutions below. If you problem persists, please  email 

Ball Feeder Motor not running?

- Check to see that the A/C adapter is plugged in all the way.
-  Unplug A/C adapter

obstructions(dust, fuzz, hair, etc.) keeping the motor from spinning. 
Remove any obstructions, re-attach A/C adapter and try again

Rubber Wheels not spinning?

- Check to see that the A/C adapter is plugged in all the way.
-  Unplug A/C adapter. Remove top and bottom cone. Remove front plastic 

casing by pressing the top and bottom tabs. Check to see if there are 
any obstructions(dust, fuzz, hair, etc.) keeping the rubber wheels from 
spinning.  Remove and obstructions, re-attach A/C adapter and try again.

Balls hitting the side of the discharge hole?

-  Be sure you are using the correct size balls. iPong robots work only with 

40mm table tennis balls.

Balls falling out hole, not shooting?

-  Be sure you are using the correct size balls. iPong robots work only with 

40mm table tennis balls.

-  Be sure you are using the correct size balls. iPong robots work only with 

40mm table tennis balls.

Balls not shooting at consistent speed?

- Check to see that the A/C adaptor is plugged in all the way.

Robot won’t turn on?

- Check to see that the A/C adapter is plugged in all the way.

No change in speed when remote dials are turned?

-  The speed does not increase or decrease. The remote dials only change 

the ball frequency, meaning how often the balls come out consecutively.

-  Be sure you are using the correct size balls. iPong robots work only with 

40mm table tennis balls.

- Try backing the iPong as close to the edge of the table.
- Increase the topspin a little, until the balls land on the table, and/or 
decrease the backspin.

Balls are loaded but rotating plate isn’t moving.

-  Remove some of the balls from the top feeder. Overloading the top with 

balls may be too heavy for the plate to rotate. 

Balls getting jammed?

-  Be sure you are using the correct size balls. iPong robots work only with 

40mm table tennis balls.

-  Be sure that you are not exceeding the maximum ball capacity that the 

iPONG can hold; maximum capacity is 100 balls. If the issue still exists try 
lessening the amount of balls that you put into the iPONG to about 75 



-  This problem is often caused by one or more of the spin control knobs are 

then making sure to adjust the spin knobs so that they are slightly on 

What can I do once a ball is jammed or stuck inside the iPong?

-  Unplug or remo

get the ball to fall out.

Having trouble getting the correct topspin/backspin/ you want?

Ensure that only the dial with the spin you want is turned up otherwise 
the spins may cancel each other out.


erent shots and how to achieve 


Rotating plate tab broken?

-  The rotating plate is a sensitive part and can break if the iPONG is not 

manually. You will need to contact customer service for a replacement 

Last couple balls in hopper don’t shoot out?

-  This is a common occurrence and not a defect in the product. It is time to 

reload the iPong with balls. 

Does the iPong require any routine maintenance or cleaning?

-  It does not require any maintenance, although it is important to make 

sure the wheels are clean and free from dust.

Motors very loud while playing?


moving around.


-  You can try our Table Tennis Practice Net. It attaches to your table and will 

our website under Accessories.

-   You could also try our Ball Pickup Net. It is a convenient net with an 

extendable handle to make ball collection easy. Available on our website, under Accessories.

Top wheel

Bottom wheel

Bottom wheel spinning faster 

creates backspin

Top wheel

Bottom wheel

Top wheel spinning faster 

creates topspin


Understanding iPong Pro spin and control settings

Typical iPong Pro setup positions for specific ball types:

Topspin balls:


TOPSPIN knob between 4 and 5

Top wheel

Bottom wheel

Bottom wheel spinning faster 

creates backspin

Top wheel

Bottom wheel

Top wheel spinning faster 

creates topspin


Understanding iPong Pro spin and control settings

Typical iPong Pro setup positions for specific ball types:

Topspin balls:


TOPSPIN knob between 4 and 5

Topspin balls:

TOPSPIN knob between 4 and 5
BACKSPIN knob between 0 and 1

Backspin balls:

TOPSPIN knob between 0 and 1
BACKSPIN knob between 3 and 4









Remote Control

Using the iPong 

Tilt Stand

The iPong Tilt Stand is a multi-tiered iPong elevation 

tool, designed to change ball trajectory and increase 

shot variation. This is especially useful when setting the 

iPong to shoot slow topspin, slow backspin, or fast 

backspin balls - that otherwise might NOT go over the 

net. Three heights are available: 9mm,17mm, or 26mm. 

A bit of experimentation will be required. For a given 

ball type, go up in elevation if balls go into the net. And 

go down in elevation if balls go off the table.

For slower balls, position iPong near center of

table. Start with tilt stand in lowest position,

and adjust upward as needed.

For faster balls, position iPong near end of table.

Start with tilt stand in highest position, and

adjust downward as needed.


Due to varying conditions (ball size, dust, humidity, altitude, etc), the remote control settings provided for the iPong may not be exact. Please 

adjust these settings to meet your desired need.

The red right of the remote control indicates that the power adapter is properly connected to the iPong. The orange light indicates that the Frequency/
ON knob has been turned clockwise (and that balls should now be shooting from the iPong).
