Samm 1
Paigaldage sillatala (Pos.1) külge ratta kiiged (Pos.10). Jälgige, et kiige küljes olev
määrdenippel (Pos.19) jääks allapoole. Kinnitamiseks kasutage M16x130 polti
(Pos.23), Ø16 mm seibi (Pos.26) ja M16 nyloc mutrit (Pos.29). Enne kiige
kinnituspoldi pingutamist fikseerige selle asend kiige poldi fiksaatoriga (Pos.8)
kinnitades see silla külge M6x16 poldi (Pos.20) ja Ø6 mm seibiga (Pos.24).
Step 1
Install swing arms (Pos.10) to axle beam (Pos.1). Make sure that the grease nipple
(Pos.19) of the swing arm is facing downwards. For fastening use M16x130 bolt
(Pos.23), Ø16 mm washer (Pos.26) and M16 nyloc nut (Pos.29). Before tightening the
swing-arm mounting bolt, fix it position with bolt fixing plate (Pos.8) by attaching it
to the axle with M6x16 bolt (Pos.20) and Ø6 mm washer (Pos.24).
23 26 29
20 24
Samm 2
Paigaldage rattad (Pos.16). Jälgige rehvi mustri suunda ja, et ventiil jääks väljapoole.
Step 2
Install wheels (Pos.16). Watch tire direction and that the tire valve is facing outside.