OFM-4264 Instruction Book
Revision 0
Page 8 of 8
Maintenance & Storage
No regular maintenance is required.
Care however should be taken to ensure that all connectors are kept clean and free from contamination of any
kind. This is especially important in fibre optic equipment where cleanliness of optical connections is critical to
If the equipment is not to be used for an extended period, it is recommended the whole unit be placed in a sealed
plastic bag to prevent dust contamination. In areas of high humidity a suitably sized bag of silica gel should be
included to deter corrosion.
Where individual circuit cards are stored, they should be placed in antistatic bags. Proper antistatic procedures
should be followed when inserting or removing cards from these bags.
Warranty & Service
Equipment is covered by a limited warranty period of three years from date of first delivery unless contrary
conditions apply under a particular contract of supply. For situations when “No
Fault Found”
for repairs, a
minimum charge of 1 hour’s labour, at IRT’s current labour charge rate, will apply, whether the equipment is
within the warranty period or not.
Equipment warranty is limited to faults attributable to defects in original design or manufacture. Warranty on
components shall be extended by IRT only to the extent obtainable from the component supplier.
Equipment return:
Before arranging service, ensure that the fault is in the unit to be serviced and not in associated equipment. If
possible, confirm this by substitution.
Before returning equipment contact should be made with IRT or your local agent to determine whether the
equipment can be serviced in the field or should be returned for repair.
The equipment should be properly packed for return observing antistatic procedures.
The following information should accompany the unit to be returned:
A fault report should be included indicating the nature of the fault
The operating conditions under which the fault initially occurred.
Any additional information, which may be of assistance in fault location and remedy.
A contact name and telephone and fax numbers.
Details of payment method for items not covered by warranty.
Full return address.
For situations when “No
Fault Found”
for repairs, a minimum charge of 1 hour’s labour will apply,
whether the equipment is within the warranty period or not. Contact IRT for current hourly rate.
Please note that all freight charges are the responsibility of the customer.
The equipment should be returned
to the agent who originally supplied the equipment
or, where this is not
possible, to IRT direct as follows.
Equipment Service
IRT Electronics Pty Ltd
26 Hotham Parade
N.S.W. 2064
61 2 9439 3744
61 2 9439 7439