Irvine Tutor
Irvine Tutor
Locate the elevator and rudder control
horns. Turn the model upside down.
The elevator horn is fitted to the
underside of the left hand side of the
tail (looking from the underside with
model pointing away from you). Locate
the horn 25mm from the fuselage
centre-line and align its holes with the
hinge line as shown in the diagram. Mark the position of its mounting holes and
pilot drill the elevator. Screw the horn to the elevator noting that the screws self-
tap into the nylon plate on top. Remove any excess length of screw with side
Stage 19
19.2. Install the steering arm
Locate the nosegear steering arm and
connect it to the pre-formed z-bend in the
noseleg pushrod. Slide the pushrod into its
tube in the firewall and locate the steering
arm in the steering block with its retaining
screw forward. Slide the noseleg through
the first block, through the steering arm and
into the engine mount. With the steering
arm held in line with the axle, tighten the
retaining screw. There is a flat on the nose
leg wire facing the screw
19.1. Fit the steering arm on the pushrod
19.4. Tighten the steering arm’s screw
19.3. Slide the noseleg in position
Fit a collet to the noseleg axle, slide a
wheel onto the axle and retain with a
second collet ensuring the wheel can
spin freely. Add a drop of cyano to
each retaining screw to secure.
Stage 20
20.1. Fit the nosewheel
Stage 21
21.3. Horn aligned with the hinge line
21.1. Horn located under the elevator
21.4. Screws self-tap into moulded plate on top
21.2. Screw the horn in position
21.5. Clip off any excess
Stage 22
behind). Again its holes should be
aligned with the rudder hinge line, then
pilot drilled and screwed to the rudder
with a pair of screws terminating in a
moulded plate on the other side.
22.2. Screw in place
The rudder horn is fitted in exactly the
same way as the elevator. Note that
it should be located on the left hand
side of the rudder (when viewed from
22.1. Position the horn as shown
25mm From the
fuselage centerline