5). Real time measurement
Click on "File/Real Time Measure" or tool bar
button to entre real time measurement mode; Press
"Start to Measure" button to start measurement and
record data, shown as follow figure:
To stop real time measurement, click on "Stop Measure".
4). Insert one end of the connecting cable into the USB
interface of the top anemometer host;
Insert other end of the connecting cable into free
interface port of on the computer back,
If the unit connect with PC LCD will display
If the unit dis-connect with PC symbol will not
Click to start real time measurement
Click to stop real time measurement
Click to clear out real time measured data
Button introduction:
Click it to print riqht wind velocity and
temperature wave graphic
Click to display all wind velocity and
temperature wave graphic
Click to store real time measured data,
input file name in pop-up window, click to
save, then also may click FILE\SAVE.
(Saved as LAB format)
Click to move Wind Velocity and Temperture
left side
Click to move Wind Velocity and Temperture
riqht side