7. Using a radio microphone
switch on the radio microphone and adjust the volume at the corresponding control (8).
See 13. General advice.
When using a radio microphone make sure the batteries are alright:
Using WM-702, WM-802 or TOA: This is the case when the green LED light shows;
when the red LED light shows the batteries should be replaced.
8. Separate control with two radio receiver
Even when there are 2 built-in radio receivers the volume is normally adjusted with control (8). Should you
need to adjust the receivers separately you can do so by using the optional control (12) for the 2nd recei-
9. Connecting the ITEC LECTERN SUCCESS
Cable connection: the POWER -BOX is connected to the LECTERN SUCCESS by means of the attached
cable. At the POWER -BOX plug the signal cable in one of the CASS/CD LINE IN cinch sockets(5a), at the
LECTERN SUCCESS plug it in one of the LINE OUT cinch sockets. The volume control CASS/CD (7) lets
you choose how loud the POWER -BOX shall be in proportion to the LECTERN SUCCESS; the best way of
doing this is to
set up the LECTERN SUCCESS and the POWER -BOX/ES, connect them with the devices left off;
connect the microphone to the LECTERN SUCCESS;
switch on the LECTERN SUCCESS and adjust the volume;
switch on POWER -BOX/ES and turn up the volume (control CASS/CD, 7) making sure
that there is no feedback.
Radio transmission: requirements: the LECTERN SUCCESS needs to have a radio transmitter, and the PO-
WER -BOX needs to have a radio receiver. The volume control WIRELESS (8) lets you choose how loud the
POWER -BOX shall be in proportion to the LECTERN SUCCESS; the best way of doing this is to
set up the LECTERN SUCCESS and the POWER -BOX/ES, connect them with the devices left off;
connect the radio transmitter to the LECTERN SUCCESS: plug an MC 12 in one of the LINE OUT
connect the microphone to the LECTERN SUCCESS;
switch on the LECTERN SUCCESS and adjust the volume;
switch on the radio transmitter and POWER -BOX/ES and turn up the volume
(control WIRELESS, 7) making sure that there is no feedback.
10. 12V DC – Output - jack
When using ITEC – supplementary devices, for example the CONFERENCE – SET, it is possible to use the
supply voltage on this jack (10). Maximum current amounts 0,5A – an installed automatic safety device swit-
ches off when an overload takes place.