Smart Pressure Transmitter
Operation Manual M3100-EO1G
Duon System Co.,Ltd.
Figure 3-3. CPU Module Fail Mode, EEPROM-Write Selection Jumper Switch
Figure 3-2 Fail Mode Selection Jumper Switch of LCD Module
3-5. EEProm-Write Enable / Disable Mode Switch
There is the EEPROM (Electrically Erasable Programmable ROM) restoring various configuration
variables in Transmitter. For protect to change configuration variable data in software, hardware side
there is Write-Protect Mode and Jumper Switch selected it segmented "EEP-Write DIS / EN " in Main
CPU Module. Thus if you connect Jumper to DIS you can't change configuration data in EEPROM, when
you connect Jumper to EN you can change configuration data in EEPROM. No connected Jumper, it is
classified EN. At the factory before shipment, it is configured "EN". (Following figure 3-3)
Fail Mode Select
Jumper Switch
CPU Module Jumper Switch
1) Fail Mode Selection
2) EEPROM Write Selection