I T ’ S M I N E T E C H N O L O G Y
Get Set
It is now time to initialise the tracker. Put the back on, either the ordinary plastic one
or the one with the magnets then take it outside, it will pick up a GPS signal faster in
the open air. Press the on button for three seconds and it will take less than a minute
for the tracker to acquire both the mobile and GPS signal. Once it does a green LED
will flash twice every four seconds. Please note that the off button puts the Tracker in
sleep mode rather than it being turned completely off. Simply being able to turn the
tracker off by pressing a button is not something that we want a potential thief to be
able to do.
The USB port can also be used to charge the tracker.
To activate your tracker wait until the green LED is flashing every four seconds then send an SMS
to the Tracker to start it working. The format of the SMS is “begin” followed by the password.
The default password is “123456” but you can change it later. Your activation SMS should be the
following “begin+123456”, without the quotation marks and leaving out the plus sign. It will
send an SMS back to you saying “begin ok”. In all cases the plus sign should not be used in the
actual SMS.
To change the password send an SMS like this “poldpassword
newpassword”.Remember to leave a space between poldpassword and
newpassword. A password should never be more than six digits.