ITS Partner O.B.S S.L · Av. Cerdanyola 79-81 Local C
08172 Sant Cugat del Vallés · Barcelona (Spain)
Phone: +34935839543 · ·
Program pool:
In this table all channels, services, which correspond to the selected entries will be listed. From here the
services that are wished to be assigned to each output MUX can be selected. Each service is assigned
to the input tuner from which it has been tuned.
S. Id.: S.ID. (Service Identification) assigned at source to that service.
Name: Service name: name assigned to the service at source. Next, a symbol appears indicating
whether the service is TV or Radio, and whether it is encrypted or open.
CI.: This module does not have a CI card.
OUTPUT: MODULATION: each circle corresponds to a MUX output: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8. By clicking on
that circle, it changes from red to green, and this service is assigned to a MUX output.
Outputs: Output modulation.
DVB-T output card:
Version: N.I.T. version
Network ID: Original Network Identification Descriptor.
Network name: Network name: Identifies the name of the local DVB-T (Digital Terrestrial
Television) network.
Orig net. ID: Network Identification Descriptor.
L.C.N. ID: Logical Channel Number. LCN type selection (EACEM for Europe, ITC for the United
Kingdom, Nordig for Nordic countries or Australia)
CAT/EMM Rem.: Transmission or deletion of EMM messages and CAT tables.