Check or have checked by your retailer, using an anemometer, the
speed of your wing flying hands high. A result of 1,9 mph less than
the lower end of the announced performance bracket requires a tho-
rough inspection.
If necessary, wash your wing with cold water and soap. Do not stock
your wing in humid or dirty conditions. In case of long storage, do
not fold the wind too tight. To keep as long as possible the ease of
inflation qualities, avoid folding flexible nylon rod(s) reinforcements
at the ribs nose.
Every paraglider is prone to aging and must therefore be inspec-
ted regularly (about every 100 hours of flying time and at least once
a year). Before reselling, a control will discharge your responsibi-
lity towards your buyer. We strongly recommend getting this control
from our workshop or from an approved retailer.
We urge you to be extremely alert to all defects, damage or rupture
discovered to the suspension lines or the sail and to repair the da-
mage as soon as possible. In every pre-flight check pay attention to
the tightening of the maillons rapids/carabiners, especially which link
the lines to the risers and the risers to the harness.
If you return the wing to our work shop, please send the complete
wing (risers and original bag, without harness) accompanied by the
present manual. So we can fill in the interventions carried out by us.
Please attach also the inspection/repair request form (available on
itv-wings.com - Service section) , the reason for returning the wing
and the areas to be repaired (by marking the area with coloured
tape). As a matter of fact, an important part of the repair time is
wasted by having to search for the damage. Please return the wing
folded correctly.