Operation and Maintenance Instructions
Page 3
Air handling with the focus on LCC
1. The Cooling and Heat Pump System _______________________________________ 4
1.1 General ____________________________________________________________ 4
1.2 How the Cooling Circuit Works ________________________________________ 4
1.3 How the Controller Works _____________________________________________ 4
2. Summary of Specific Rules in the Refrigerant Act____________________________ 6
2.1 One-piece Units containing less than 3 kg of Refrigerant ___________________ 6
2.2 One-piece Units containing more than 3 kg of Refrigerant __________________ 6
2.3 One-piece Units containing a total of more than 10 kg of Refrigerant _________ 6
3. Operating Instructions for Components and Assembled Equipment ____________ 7
3.1 Regulations for Commissioning ________________________________________ 7
3.2 Checklist ___________________________________________________________ 8
4.Maintenance Instructions and Procedures __________________________________ 9
4.1 General ____________________________________________________________ 9
4.2 Requirements by Authorities according to the Refrigerant Act ______________ 9
4.3 Periodic Inspection __________________________________________________ 9
5. Fault Tracing and Searching for Leakage __________________________________ 10
5.1 Fault-tracing Schedule ______________________________________________ 10
5.2 Searching for Leakage_______________________________________________ 11
6. Flow Diagram for the Refrigerant System __________________________________ 12
7. Technical Specification_________________________________________________ 13
8. Appendices
8:1 Pressure and Tightness Tests - Refrigerant Circuit
8:2 Safety Equipment
8:3 Commissioning Report
8:4 Pressure and Tightness Tests - Liquid Circuits