1.1. Mark the edge of
your door at the
desired height
of your lever.
1.2. We recommend
around 900mm –
1100mm from
fl oor level, or at the
centre of a lock rail
on a panel door.
(Figure 1)
1. Marking
the Door
Preferred product height
Figure 1.
3.1. If required, shorten tie bolts to suit door thickness.
3.2. Ensure to cut so that the screw does not protrude
from the opposite plate once installed. (Figure 3)
3. Prepare Tie Bolts
— if using face fi x timber screws, proceed to step 4
2. Install Latch & Striker Plate
As per supplier instructions, resources available
at iver.com.au/resources.
Figure 2.
1.3. Using a spirit level, mark
the door at the desired
lever height, continuing the
line from the front of the
door, around the edge and
onto the back of the door.
(Figure 2)
1.4. We recommend extending
the line 100mm onto each
face of the door.
4.1. Place the split spindles into the lock body from
either side of the door*.
4.2. Install the halves on either side of the door,
ensuring the levers function in the correct direction.
4.3. Insert male tie bolts through top and bottom of
back plate, OR
4.4. Affi
x wood screws at all fi xing points.
4.5. Place the female sections in the opposite holes,
lining them up with the male thread.
4.6. Secure loosely by hand, then use a screwdriver
to hold the female section while tightening the
male section with a second screwdriver. (Figure 4)
* Regular spindle also provided
Figure 3.
4. Install Levers
Wood Screws
Figure 4.