Initial Configuration XGS12-SD
To perform initial system configuration for the XGS12-SD chassis, do the following:
1. Connect the monitor, USB mouse and keyboard, and then start the chassis.
2. When the chassis boots up, log on to the chassis.
The user name is
and the password is the CPU module serial number found on the sticker
located at the back of the chassis.
3. Once you log on to the chassis,
10.0.x.x/16 is the default internal port address. This can be changed from IxExplorer
Chassis Properties.
Change IP Address
To change the IP address, do the following:
1. On the Start menu, select
Control Panel
2. Select
Network and Internet
and then select
Network and Sharing Center
. The
your basic network information and set up connections
window appears.
3. Under
View your active networks
, select the local area connection under
Access type:
. The
window appears.
Chapter 5 XGS12-SD Configuration
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