Design, Manufacture and Installation of Theatrical Equipment Worldwide
(315) 451-3440
Fax (315) 451-1766
Rev 1: February 15, 2007
Using the 3-D display, select a set (or sets) by touching the graphic corresponding to the set on the
touchscreen. The set label will change from white to green to indicate that it has been selected. A Vertical
Position window will also appear in the upper right portion of the screen.
As noted in the Shortcut section, the target can be adjusted by touching and dragging the green target slider
at the right of the window, or by touching the + or – buttons to the right of the target slider. The operator may
also key in a numeric position directly, by touching the Target position numeric field, at the bottom right of this
Touching the Target position field will cause a keypad to pop up. The operator keys in a target position on
this keypad, using the appropriate keys to indicate whether the position being entered is in feet and inches, or
in meters (the control system will convert all values to the current display units). When the value is keyed in,
the operator touches the DONE key to enter the value into the system and close the keypad window.
There are five buttons at the left of the vertical position window that may be used in setting targets, as well.
The Match Current will set the current position of the selected set as its target. The SUL button will set the
selected set's Soft Upper Limit as its target; the SLL button will set the selected set's Soft Lower Limit as its
target. The Match Previous button is only used when running pre-recorded cues, so we won't go into it now.
The Relative Move button is used to change the selected set's target
a specified amount. Touching this button will pop up a numeric
keypad. When the operator keys in a distance and presses the "Done"
key, the selected winch's target will change by the distance entered. If,
for example, the current winch target is 3'6", and the operator uses the
Adjust Targets keypad to enter 7'0", then the winch target will be
updated to 10'6". The - (neg) key on the keypad can be used to adjust
the target down to a lower position.
On the 3-D display, once a target has been designated for a set, the
set name will be displayed in bold characters on a green wire-frame
figure that represents the target position. The bold characters, and the green wire-frame target representation
indicate that the set is enabled. The current position of the set will appear as a solid blue figure
If the selected set is variable-speed, the velocity window will pop up. As
noted in the Shortcut section, the velocity of the winch can be adjusted by
touching the + or – velocity buttons in this window.
The velocity can also be directly set by touching one of the velocity
numeric fields, at the top of the window. Touching the percentage window
will cause a numeric keypad to pop up. The operator keys in the desired
velocity in percent of maximum speed, and then presses the DONE key to
enter the value into the system and close the keypad window. Touching
the distance per second window will open a keypad with distance units,
permitting the operator to enter the desired speed in feet and inches per
second, or meters per second. The selected value will automatically be
converted to the prevailing measurement system when the DONE key is
pressed to enter the value.
There are two components to the acceleration and deceleration
parameters. First is the rate of acceleration or deceleration. This is
expressed in distance per second per second, and can be displayed by
touching the acceleration or deceleration adjustment wheel without
dragging to change the control (or "floating" the cursor arrow over the
control without clicking it). The accel and decel rates are the "slope of the