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Car alarm CA-320 / CA-321 „Accent“ 

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Car alarm CA-320 / CA-321 „Accent“ 

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Car alarm CA-320 / CA-321 „Accent“


- operating instructions


Car alarm CA-320 / CA-321 „Accent“ 

- instructions



As a standard, two RC-11 remote 
controls are supplied in the CA-320 
package. Any of the RC-40, RC-42 or 
RC-44 provide an equivalent 
substitution. The RC-44 four-button 
controller allows you to use the second 
pair of its buttons for remote operation of 
additional devices (e.g. another car 

alarm, control panel, garage door, lights, etc.)



After switching off the ignition, removing your key and exiting the 
vehicle, close all the doors (closing of all windows is also 
recommended). Arm the car alarm by pressing the button on the 
remote control.  

If you press 


 the car alarm will be armed completely


ultrasonic, vibration and current consumption detectors


The „Accent“


can also be armed 

without the

 mentioned detectors by 


 (when you leave a dog in the car for example). 

One flash from the turn lights and one siren chirp* confirms arming 

(the sounds for button 


 are different), and  the LED starts to 

flash. At the same time the immobilizer is blocked and the doors should 
automatically lock (if equipped with central-door locks). If a powered 
window control system is also connected to the „lock“ signal, all the 

windows will be closed automatically* when button 

 is used for 

arming (button 

 arming does not have any influence on the 


The current consumption detector will be active 10 minutes  after 

arming. All the other sensors will come on line after seven seconds.   

If you hear four fast siren chirps when arming, it indicates that an 

input is activated (for example a door is not closed properly). This input 
will be disabled automatically. The LED will indicate this fact after 
disarming in the same manner as alarm memory. 


will block the car automatically if ignition key is turned off for more than 
5 minutes. This immobilization (car alarm stays disarmed) is indicated 
by intermittent LED light. The immobilization can be switched off by a 

remote control button (


). It will also switch off if you switch on 

the ignition key and press the VALET button *. 

Automatic immobilization can also be temporarily disabled if you 

switch off the ignition key while the VALET button is pressed. The 
AUTOIMMO function will be disabled until the remote control is 
activated again. This can be used, for example, when you leave your 
car in a car shop for maintenance without the remote control. 



To disarm the car alarm press a button (either 


) on the remote 

control once. 

The turn lights should flash twice and the siren should chirp twice *. At 

the same time the doors should unlock (if equipped with central-door 
locks) and the LED should turn off. When you open a door the dome light 
will come on for 60 seconds or until you switch on ignition key.  


 - if you do not enter the car within one minute after disarming, 

the car alarm will rearm and lock the doors automatically again. 

If the lights flash three times, 

the siren chirps three times and the 

LED continues to flash, it indicates 

Alarm Memory

 (the alarm was 

triggered since it was turned on). The LED alarm memory indication is 
switched off after switching on the ignition key. You can learn what was 

the last alarm reason, anytime when you press 

 button on the 

remote control while the ignition key is on (or the second from last 

alarm reason with 

 button). You can see which input triggered the 

alarm from the LED blinking (see the following table). 

number of flashes 

what triggered the Alarm 

attempt to switch on ignition 

3 door 


AL1 trigger input 

AL2 trigger input 

current consumption detector 

7 vibration 


CA-320 only


8 ultrasonic 


CA-320 only




In alarm mode the siren sounds for 30 sec., the turn lights flash for 
60 sec. and the pager transmits (if installed). The car doors are 
automatically re-locked in the beginning and in the end of each alarm 
period to insure that the car will remain locked after an event which 
triggers the alarm. 

The remote control may be used to stop triggered alarm by pressing 

a button (either 


). If you stop the alarm with the remote 

control, the car alarm will remain armed. To disarm it, press a button 
once more. Three flashes and chirp sounds will confirm the alarm has 
been disarmed after alarm. 


Panic Alarm* 

Can be triggered any time if 


 buttons are pressed 

simultaneously for more than 0.5 second. The siren sounds and the 
turn lights flash for 30 seconds. The Panic Alarm can be stopped by 

pressing a remote control button (



Note: Panic Alarm is not stored into the alarm memory. 


Emergency Disarming* 

If you lost your remote control, perform following: Open the car door 
(this triggers the alarm), switch on the ignition key and press the hidden 
VALET switch. 

Note: If emergency disarming was disabled in setting mode, there is no 
way to disarm the car alarm (call service). 


No reaction of Car alarm to remote control 

If there was any attempt to scan the remote control code (or while rare, 
as may happen after the remote control battery has been replaced) 
then the car alarm will not respond to the signal from the remote 
control. In this case the alarm asks you for a confirmation of control 
code validity.  

To provide, make Emergency Disarming (if armed), switch on the 

ignition key and press the button of the remote control (



After that the remote control should work as usual (if not, go to 

Note: this way your system performs more complicated analyses of 
coding system. It insures your alarm is secure from outside 
interference and the remote control is indeed yours. 



There is no special maintenance required. If the distance from your car 
at which the alarm system can be operated continuously decreases, 
then replace the remote control battery (after releasing of a screw on 
the rear side of remote control housing; mind the battery polarity). 
A suitable replacement battery is L1016 (6VDC). Usual good battery 
life time is one year. 

We recommend a yearly professional inspection of the car alarm. 

Periodic inspections should be made to the door, hood and trunk 

We recommend installer

  to give a detail explanation of 

„Accent“ functions to the customer after installation, to avoid problems 
and misunderstandings in future.  

* these functions are selectable in setting mode 


Hereby, Jablotron Ltd., declares that this CA-320 is in compliance with the 
essential requirements and other relevant provisions of Directive 
1999/5/EC. Original of the conformity assessment can be found at the web 

, section Technical support.



Note:  Although this product does not contain any harmful 
materials we suggest you to return the product to the 
dealer or directly to the producer after usage. 



The „Accent“ brand name system is suitable for all cars equipped 

with 12V voltage and a negative ground. This car alarm is remotely  
controlled. RF communication is protected by a FLOATING digital code 
and by an ANTI-SCAN feature. The CA-321 model is a simplified 
version without built-in ultrasonic and vibration detectors. All other 
features are identical. 

Arming and disarming of the system is confirmed by the turn indicators 

blinking and by a siren chirp (selectable). While the ignition key is on, the 
system can not be armed. This protects the car from having the alarm 
accidentally activated while driving. A visual warning of the presence of 
the alarm is provided by an LED indicator, which also provides an "Alarm 
memory" function, indicating which input was triggered. 

Door lock outputs allow the central locking system to be controlled by 

the remote control (programmable output pulse duration). A signal to 
close electrically powered windows is also available. 

A built-in current sensor will trigger the alarm if any electrical 

equipment is switched ON while the „Accent“ is armed. The current 
sensor activates 10 minutes after arming. This prevents the cooling fan 
from triggering the alarm. Arming of the current sensor is optionally 
selected when arming the car alarm, and can also be disabled 
completely in the setting mode.   

A built-in ultrasonic detector (CA-320 only) protects the passenger 

compartment. It detects any movement in the protected airspace. 
When the „Accent“


is not armed, the ultrasonic generator is turned off. 

This protects the passengers from unnecessary ultrasonic 
bombardment. Arming of the ultrasonic sensor is optionally selected 
when arming the car alarm.  

A built-in vibration detector (CA-320 only) has a digital filter which 

provides immunity to false alarms. This detector has selectable 
functions for warning or alarm triggers. Arming of the vibration detector 
is optionally selected when arming the car alarm, and can also be 
disabled completely in the setting mode.    

The „Accent“


can be armed without the ultrasonic, vibration and 

current detectors by pushing button 

 on the remote control.  

An automatic Dome light control is provided by an extra door switch 

input/output (negative trigger). It turns ON the dome light after 
disarming and the opening of any door. The light will remain ON until 
you switch ON the ignition (max. 60 sec.). 

The car alarm contains two independent trigger inputs (AL1 and 

AL2). The AL1 is a negative alarm trigger, and the AL2 provides 
selectable polarity and reaction (alarm or warning). 

When the armed system is triggered, there can be two different 

reactions. Warning - a short siren and blinkers signal (0.5 sec.) or 
ALARM - siren sounds for up to 30 seconds and the turning indicators 
flash for 60 seconds. Panic alarm can also be triggered by remote 

A built in powerful immobilizer (3 relay contacts) can disable 

important systems (starter, ignition, electrical fuel pump etc.). 

The „Accent“ provides optional REARM and AUTOIMMO functions. 

REARM checks if the car has been entered within one minute of 
disarming. If not, the alarm is automatically rearmed and the doors are 
locked again. AUTOIMMO function will block the car automatically if 
ignition key is turned off for more than 5 minutes. Optional functions can 
be modified in setting mode by a professional mechanic after installation. 




10 - 16VDC 

stand by consumption (incl. ultras.)  

max. 20mA 

working temperature 

-40 to +85°C 

remote controller distance  

max. 20m 

remote controller  

equipped with SAW resonator 


digital floating code system with Anti-scan 

siren output  

+12V, max. 1.2A 

turn indicator outputs  

2 x +12V, max. 2 x 5A 

central lock outputs  

pulses to GND, max. 300mA, 0.3 - 4sec.  

optional „lock“ signal duration (for el. powered windows) 


ARM signal (for external detectors) 

+12V, max. 25mA 

immobilization relay contacts (3 loops) 

max. 15A permanently 


max. 20A for 30 seconds 

AUX output 

digital bus output (future use) 

current sensor  

10 min. exit delay 

vibration detector* 

digital filter, Warning or Alarm 

ultrasonic detector* 

automatic sensitivity control, 2 levels 

negative switched door contacts inp. / courtesy light outp.  


AL1 negative trigger alarm input 

N.O. sensor 

AL2 trigger input 

 selectable polarity, Warning or Alarm 

VALET push button 

executive override, setting 

Can be operated according to ERC REC 70-03 
* model CA-320 only 

All the data is stored to EEPROM memory. 

This product complies with IEC 839-10-1, EEC No. 97 



The car alarm will work only if properly installed. Improper installation 
of the car alarm can result in poor and or dangerous car performance. 
We recommend having the alarm professionally installed. 



Disconnect the battery before 

starting installation. Keep in mind that if your car has some memory 
functions, these may be erased if you disconnect the battery. Nobody 
should be inside the car equipped with airbags when connecting or 
disconnecting the battery. Refer to the car owners' manual before 
disconnecting the battery. 

Install the control unit in the passenger compartment. The 

recommended location is under the dash board. The wire coming 
directly from the control unit is the remote control antenna. The location 
of this wire will effect the remote control working distance. Ideally, the 
wire should be near a window. If you drill a hole in the car, be sure to 
check the area before drilling to prevent damage to the car. 


Ultrasonic detector

 - (CA-320 only) install the ultrasonic sensors in 

the passenger compartment so that the sensors have an unobstructed 
“view” of the compartment. Suitable locations for the sensors are on 
the top of the front window pillars. Install one sensor near the upper left 
corner of the front window, the second one near the  upper right corner 
of the window. The front of the sensors (covered with a metal grid) 
should be oriented towards the center of the rear window.   

Route the sensor cables to the processing unit and connect the 

corresponding color connectors. The „Accent“ automatically calibrates 
itself according to the size of the vehicle. If you install sensors into an 
extremely small passenger compartment (driver compartment of a van 
for example), we recommend that the jumper located between the 
ultrasonic sensors’ connectors on the car alarm unit be disconnected.  
When this jumper is disconnected, the initial level of the sensitivity is 
lower. No other adjustment of the ultrasonic detector is required. 


Vibration detector

 - (CA-320 only) is built into the main unit. Its 

sensitivity is factory adjusted. If the detector is used as alarm trigger (see 
setting mode), it will trigger the alarm only if  multiple vibrations is 
detected (built-in digital filter). If the detector is set as a warning trigger, 
each vibration will cause a siren chirp and a blinker flash (when armed). 
Arming of the vibration detector is optionally selected when arming the 
car alarm, and can also be disabled completely in the setting mode.    


Current detector

 - will trigger ALARM if an electrical device of the 

car is switched ON while the „Accent“


is armed. Sensitivity of this 

detector depends on the car battery conditions. The current sensor 
activates 10 minutes after arming (to prevent the cooling system fan 
from triggering the alarm). Arming of the current  detector is optionally 
selected when arming the car alarm, and can be also be disabled 
completely in the setting mode. 



Note: all the above built-in detectors are active only if the system is 

armed by the 

 button on the remote control. 


LED indicator

 is on a separate cable. Once you have determined the 

position on the dashboard where you want the LED light, drill a 6.5mm 
(4/16") diameter hole in the dashboard and install the LED. Be sure to 
check for other cables before you drill the hole. Connect the LED cable 
into any of the three pin connectors on the main unit.



VALET Switch

 - has a separate cable. This push button switch can be 

used as an executive override if the remote control is lost. However, if the 
VALET switch was optionally disabled in setting mode, it will not be able 
to override. Find a hidden place in the car and install the switch. Connect 
the cable to any of the three pin connectors on the main unit. 


 - route wires for the car alarm with the electrical harness of 

the car. Check each connection made to ensure that it is solid and 
properly insulated. Use only a real crimping tool to make connections. 
Complete and check all wiring before switching on the power. 


RED = Positive Supply

 - connect this red wire to a direct line from 

the positive terminal of the battery. This wire is split in the car alarm 
wire harness. The loop with the fuse (10Amp), is a separate power 
supply for turn lights. The fuse protects against a short connection of 
the turn indicator bulb. Use only a 10A fuse in this harness! 


BLACK = Grounding

 - connect this wire to the original GND 

point in the car. 



 signal (power for external detectors) provides 

v12V while the alarm is ARMED (by button 

). The maximum 

load of this output is 25mA.





Tel.: +420 483 559 999  
fax: +420 483 559 993

Pod Skalkou 33 
466 01 Jablonec nad Nisou
Czech Republic 




