1. welCoMe .......................................... 3
2. headset oVeRVIew ......................... 4
3. how to weaR .................................. 5
3.1 Change eaRgels
4. how to ChaRge the batteRy ....... 6
4.1 batteRy statUs
5. how to ConneCt ............................ 8
5.1 tURnIng on/off the headset
5.2 ConneCt wIth a blUetooth deVICe
(fIRst tIMe PaIRIng)
5.3 ConneCt wIth a blUetooth deVICe
(seCond tIMe PaIRIng oR Re-PaIRIng)
5.4 ConneCt wIth an nfC-enabled deVICe
6. how to Use ...................................11
6.1 MUltIPle Call handlIng
6.2 lIst of VoICe CoMMands
6.3 lIst of VoICe gUIdanCe
7. UPdate fIRMwaRe .........................14
8. sUPPoRt ..........................................15
8.1 faq
8.2 how to CaRe foR yoUR headset
9. teChnICal sPeCIfICatIons ...........17