Trademarks / Patents
Jacka Industries Pty Ltd are the proprietary owners of all associated registered
trademarks and patents.
Patent No. - AU2020 - 050867
Trademark No. - 1998805
The information provided in this document is provided “as is” without warranty
of any kind. Jacka Industries Pty Ltd disclaims all warranties, either express or
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whatsoever including direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, loss of business
profits or special damages, even if Jacka Industries Pty Ltd or its suppliers have
been advised of the possibility of such damages.
Document Lifetime
Jacka Industries Pty Ltd may occasionally update online documentation
between releases of the related software. Consequently, if this document was
not downloaded recently, it may not contain the most up-to-date information.
Please refer to or make contact via email at enquires@ for the most current information.
From the Web site, you may also download and refresh this document if it has
been updated, as indicated by a change in this date: 23rd of November 2021
Where to get help
Jacka Industries Pty support, product, and licensing information can be obtained
as follows.
Product information — Documentation, release notes, software updates, and
information about Jacka Industries Pty products, licensing, and service, are at
Jacka Industries Pty website at:
Technical support — Go to
and contact a
representative by the provided means.
Your comments
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