Ensure that the timber corner supports are firmly secured with cable
ties or another suitable method. These timber supports will be holding
the roof up while you are working inside. They MUST be tight and
Ensure you have the Roof set to the desired height
and the canvas and side door position is correct.
Your corner supports MUST be Secure.
All the manual winch cables should be loose and
ready to be removed.
Position framing timbers against each telescoping leg at each corner,
and use framing shims to adjust supported roof height, if required. The
timbers should be a tight fit, but NOT lifting the roof.
Secure the timbers to the telescopic masts with long cable ties / rope /
heavy duty duct tape, etc
Once your timber corner supports are secured, carry out a check on
the side door operation, position them and check your canvas is not too
tight. If required, adjust corner heights with the framing shimms.
Once you are happy with the corner heights, canvas tension and side
door position, wind down the manual winch system 3 turns. Ensure your
timber supports are secure and the side door position is adequate. At
this point, the manual lift system is now no longer holding up the roof, the
timber supports are.
The Height you set the roof to, should be the final point that the roof is
raised to during the Roof UP Automatic function using the JackaJay lift
system. If you want to adjust the height of a certain corner. You MUST do
it now! However, be careful not to make the door fitting too loose and /
or the canvas tight.
Tick here