Per il collegamento all’impianto elettrico dell’immobile, dovrà es-
sere utilizzato un cavo con guaina avente caratteristiche non in-
feriori al tipo
H 05 VV-F 3x2,5 mm
L’impianto eletrico dell’immobile deve essere
provvisto di interruttore differenziale da 0,03 A.
I box doccia MYNIMA Jacuzzi
sono provvisti di un morsetto,
posto in corrispondenza della giunzione trave-colonna e con-
traddistinto dal simbolo
, per il collegamento equipotenziale
delle masse metalliche circostanti, come previsto dalle norme
CEI EN 60335-2-105
; è consigliabile, comunque, far uscire il ri-
spettivo cavo di collegamento in pos.
• All measurements are in centimetres
• The drawings given are not to scale
shower enclosures are equipped with an integrated
shower tray unit, which is in direct contact with the floor and the
drainage column inserted in the floor.
Corner installation is possible (mod. 140: also in centre
of wall) on finished and covered walls that do not have
skirting and/or protuberances.
IMPORTANT: check that the goods are intact on arrival,
so that any claim made to the forwarding agent will be
Provision for drainage
and water supply connections
We recommend that you position the shower enclosure drain as
shown, in position
To connect to the hot-cold water supply system (position
), ac-
cording to the model chosen, we recommend that you use 90°
elbows - 1/2” or pipes (copper) with Ø min. 14mm; the latter must
end with a 1/2” male attachment.
Please use the measurements given.
We also recommend that you do not use connections on supply
pipes, in order to avoid leaks and consequential reduction in wa-
ter jet power.
For correct water jet operation, the pressures and capacities of
the water supply system to the shower enclosure must be en-
sured, as shown in the “Plumbing Requirements” table.
Provision for electrical connection
For all models equipped with electronic functions, a standard ca-
ble must be used for connections to the electrical mains and the
earth system, and prepared as shown in position
It is recommended to prepare the electrical power supply with one
single-phase line (voltage between phase and neutral: 220-240V).
The device can be powered with a double phase line,
that the voltage between phases is 220-240V.
If you wish to connect the shower enclosure to an alarm circuit,
a bipolar cable must be used (position
In any case, see the “Electrical Safety” chapter to choose the ca-
bles and installation procedures.