Chapter Eight OZONATORS:
What is an Ozonator? Ozone gas is O
which is a gas that can serve as a
sanitizer. Because it serves as a sanitizer, you can use less bromine or chlorine.
You must use a chemical sanitizers with an ozonator to make them work
effectively. So the reason a person uses an Ozonator is to lower the need to use
a large amount of chemicals to keep the water clean.
How does it work? The two popular methods for producing ozone gas with an
ozonator is with a bulb coated with a coating that will produce the gas when lit or
with a capacitor discharge that makes an arc and the arc creates ozone gas. The
capacitor discharge method is becoming the most common method used.
Because of their ability to make a large amount of gas (measured in milliliters).
With this method a large amount of gas injected into the water will lower to
amount of sanitizer you will need.
Whether the bulb or CD method is used, the actual method of injecting ozone
gas is the same. First, you plug the ozonator into the control box. Although older
spas require a “hot wired” method, your spa’s control system should have a
socket designed for an ozonator to plug in. Once the ozonator is plugged in,
depending on the configuration of the spa, the board will turn the ozonator on.
When the ozonator comes on it produces ozone gas. Now you need a method of
getting that gas into the water. This is how it’s done: in line with the circulation
pump or the low speed #1 pump, a mazzai or molex or like is installed. What it
does is as the water is reduced through the device it creates suction. There is
also a 3
barb which is the air line hose from the ozonator. So as the water
passes by the mazzai or like suction pulls the ozonated gas into the water. From
there the mixture is blown into the spa. Some ports where the water comes out
are dedicated for the ozonator; other are a mixture of heated water and ozone
gas. As the ozonated bubbles rise to the surface of the spa they sanitize the
GATSBY used the UV bulb generation. You can either continue to use or switch
to the more popular CD ozonator. You MUST confirm the voltage to the spa.
Spas running on 115v will have a 115v ozonator. Spas operating on 230v can