Consider loca ng your swim spa away from any reflec ve surface or glass to prevent any
damage to the synthe c skirt.
When possible, do not shim the swim spa. To ensure proper support the swim spa must
sit flat on the intended founda on.
Indoor Loca on
For indoor installa ons many factors need to be considered before installing a spa indoors.
In addi on to maintenance of filters and water chemistry, proper ven -
la on is recommended to reduce the risk of contrac ng waterborne illness (e.g. an
infec on, bacteria or virus) and/or respiratory ailments that could be present in the
air or water. Consult a licensed architect or building contractor to determine your specific
needs if installing your swim spa indoors.
Proper Founda on: Consult a Structural Engineer when considering a founda on that
will adequately support the swim spa the en re me it is in place.
Proper support is
cri cal especially if the spa is to rest on a second story or higher. For swim spas that are
to rest on roofs or other pla orms not specifically ed into the main structural support,
you should consult a professional Structural Engineer with experience in this type of ap-
plica on.
Proper Drainage:
It is extremely important to have in place measures to sufficiently
handle excessive water spillage.
Be sure the flooring in which the swim spa rests on
has adequate drainage and can handle the en re contents of the swim spa. Be sure to
make provisions for ceilings and other structures that may be below the swim spas in-
stalla on. Areas around your swim spa can become wet or moist so all flooring and sub-
sequent furniture, walls and adjacent structures should be able to withstand or resist
water and moisture.
Proper Ven la on: Proper ven la on should be discussed with an Engineer or authori-
ty competent enough to understand the necessary provisions needed to vent moist or
heated air and air associated with chemical odors outdoors. When the swim spa is in
use considerable amounts of moisture will escape, poten ally causing mold and mildew
over me, which can damage certain surfaces and/or surroundings.
Sufficient Access:
In the likely event that you should ever need to access or gain entry
to any por on of the swim spa for servicing, it is highly recommended that you plan your
indoor installa on to provide full access to the en re swim spa.