Exi ng Priming Mode
The system will automa cally enter the normal hea ng mode and filtering at the end of the
priming mode, which lasts 4-5 minutes.
You can manually exit Priming Mode by pressing the “Back” bu on on the Priming Mode
Screen. Note that if you do not manually exit the priming mode as described above, the prim-
ing mode will be automa cally terminated a er 4
-5 minutes. Be sure that the pump(s) have
been primed by this me.
Once the system has exited Priming Mode, the top side panel will display the Main Screen,
but the display will not show the water temperature yet. This is because the system requires
approximately 1 minute of water flowing through the heater to determine the water temper-
ature to display it.
10.5 Spa Behaviour
On the Spa Screen, select a “Jets” bu on once to turn the pump on or off, and to shi be-
tween low and high speeds if equipped. If le running, the pump will turn off a er a me
Non-Circ Systems
The low-speed of pump 1 runs when any other pump is on. If the swim spa is in Ready Mode,
Pump 1 low may also ac vate for at least 1 minute every 30 minutes to detect the swim spa
temperature (polling) and then to heat to the set temperature if needed. When the low-
speed turns on automa cally, it cannot be deac vated from the panel, however the high
speed may be started.
Filtra on and Ozone
On non-
circ systems, Pump 1 low and the ozone generator will run during filtra on. The sys-
tem is factory-
programmed with one filter cycle that will run in the evening (assuming the
day is properly set) when energy rates are o en lower. The filter me and dura on
are programmable. A second filter cycle can be enabled as needed. At the start of each filter
cycle, the pumps will run briefly to purge the plumbing to maintain good water quality.